The Badlands Club Rules and Regulations

Thank you for your interest in the Badlands Golf Company (the “Club”).

The following rules and regulations are designed to remind our Members and Guests that the Club is all about providing a fun golf and social experience. All Members and Guests are expected to understand and adhere to the rules and regulations listed below. This will assist us in providing the best possible experience for all when visiting the Club. Please refer to our staff for clarification, if needed.
1. Members and Guests
(a) Membership
(i) The applicable categories of membership, membership criteria and associated membership and other fees will be determined by the Club from time to time.

(ii) All Members must be 19 years of age or older.

(iii) All memberships purchased are final and no refunds will be provided.
(b) Guests
(i) Members in good standing are entitled to invite Guests to attend the Club.

(ii) Maximum number of Guests will be determined by the Club from time to time.

(iii) All Guests including Guests not yet nineteen (19) years of age, must be accompanied by a Member and will be required to sign a waiver and release in favour of the Club.
(c) Upon payment of Membership fees, the party or parties are entitled to the use of the facilities for which prescribed payment has been accepted by The Badlands Golf Company. The facilities may be used in accordance with the rules and regulations as amended by Badlands Golf Company and published on website and/or provided to Members. The Badlands Golf Company may revoke or suspend the privileges granted for breach of rules and regulations. No voting privileges are acquired upon payment of the fees for use of the facilities.

(d) Only Members in good standing and their Guests are entitled to use the clubhouse, golf course and facilities. The rights of any member will terminate upon expiration of their membership. By becoming a Member at the Club, Members are deemed to have consent to be bound by the Club Rules and Regulations by-laws, policies and other rules of the Club as same may be amended from time to time. Members are responsible for informing their Guest(s) of the Club Rules and Regulations. It is the responsibility of all Members and Guests to read and be familiar with Club Rules and Regulations.

(e) Members and Guests are required to respect the rights of all other Members, Guests and staff members and to observe all the Club Rules and Regulations. Members and their Guest(s) violating Club Rules andRegulations may be escorted from the Club. Failure to follow Club Rules and Regulations may result in the member’s membership, privileges being suspended and/or terminated at the discretion of the Club. Members whose rights and membership are suspended and/or terminated are not entitled to any refund of the membership fee.
2. Golf Bookings
(a) All golfers must check in at the Worm Burner Pro Shop prior to play.

(b) Players must contact the Worm Burner Pro Shop when canceling a scheduled tee time.

(c) The Worm Burner Pro Shop has the right to fill in vacant spots at anytime.

(d) All play must commence from the first hole unless approved by Badlands Golf Company staff.

(e) All bookings of 5 to 6 players must book a tee time in advance through the Worm Burner Pro Shop by e-mailing or calling.
3. Loss, Damage or Injury
(a) The Club will not be responsible for the loss or damage to any property however caused, regardless of where the property is checked, kept, left or stored on the premises of the Club. All Members and Guests waive any and all claims against the Club for loss or damage to their property while on Club property.

(b) Members and Guests are responsible for their actions at all times including their actions while playing golf and while using sports equipment, or otherwise while on Club Property. Members and Guests are responsible for any damages caused to Club property or that of others and agree to indemnify and save the Club harmless with respect to any and all such damage. Members and Guests shall promptly pay for any loss or damage to the Club property for which they are responsible.

(c) Members and Guests are responsible for their own safety while attending the Club, and will not act, or fail to act, in a manner that creates unsafe conditions for themselves or others. Members and Guests acknowledge and understand that attendance at the Club and participation in activities at the Club involves a risk of bodily injury, including serious bodily injury or death, which may be caused by their own or others actions, or inactions, and that there may be other risks either not known or not readily foreseeable. Each Member and Guest fully and voluntarily accepts and assumes all risks and responsibility, both known and unknown, for any injury, death, losses, costs, claims, demands, damages or liability whatsoever (“Losses”) incurred as a result of their presence at the Club or participation in activities at the Club. All Members and Guests waive any and all claims against the Club for any and all Losses and agree to indemnify and save the Club harmless with respect to any and all Losses which are caused or contributed to by the Member or their Guests.
4. Dress Code
At the Badlands Golf Company, we are all about awesome golf and having fun! Golf is something many enjoy in their leisure time so we want you to be yourself! While we don’t believe in a formal strict dress code, we do ask that our Members and Guests follow a common-sense dress code.


Crop shirts and bare torso (front/back) will not be permitted. Collared shirt, t-shirt, long sleeve and short sleeve shirts are acceptable. We don’t mind if you tuck or untuck your shirt. Your choice! Also, since we sometimes have “mini Badlanders” visit the course, we ask you to please avoid any vulgar or offensive logos/graphics.


All styles, lengths and fabrics of shorts are fine provided we can’t see anything that should remain private! Please follow a common-sense dress code.


Runners and closed-toe shoes are recommended. Although sandals are allowed, we recommend golf sandals. Golf shoes with metal spikes are not permitted. Shoes with high heels are not allowed because they can ruin the grass.
5. Alcoholic Beverages / Cannabis
(a) Members and guests are required to abide by all applicable laws, and the rules and regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission as well as our Club Rules and Regulations which govern the service of alcoholic beverages and cannabis and which may be amended by the Club from time to time.

(b) The Club is a licensed facility and all alcoholic beverages sold on the Club premises must be consumed on Club Premises.

(c) Only alcoholic beverages purchased from or through the Club may be consumed on the premises. Personal coolers are not permitted on the Club premises, and no outside alcoholic beverages or cannabis products may be brought onto Club property or consumed on Club property. The Club has zero tolerance regarding Members or Guests bringing their own alcohol beverages onto Club property. If a Member or Guest is observed by any Club employee with their own alcohol, the Club will advise the offending party, inform them of the law and confiscate the alcohol and/or they will be required to immediately leave Club property and the Member’s membership may be terminated at the Club’s discretion.

(d) Members and Guests are advised that:
(i) Liquor will not be served to anyone under the age of 19.

(ii) Liquor will not be served before 9am.

(iii) Our staff has been instructed to withhold bar service to Members and Guests who, in their judgment, appear intoxicated. This is done for the protection of both the Club and our Members and Guests.
(e) The Badlands Golf Company reserves the right to book a taxi for any Members and their Guests who appear intoxicated and should not be driving. A charge will be billed to Members account for themselves and/or their Guest(s).
6. Billing
(a) Charge accounts are available for Members ONLY. Eligible Members will have the ability to charge all purchases at the Badlands Golf Company to their account for weekly billing upon the member establishing an account. Each member will receive a weekly statement summarizing all purchases and payments to the account. The member authorizes the Badlands Golf Company to charge the credit card provided by the Member for all charges incurred by the cardholder. Each week, outstanding items will be charged to the member’s preauthorized credit card.

(b) Delinquent accounts must be settled within 10 days of notice and may be subject to an interest rate of 2% per month plus suspension of membership until account is settled.

(c) All transactions shall be paid in debit or credit card as the Club operates a cashless facility.

(d) All fees are subject to all applicable sales or value added taxes.
7. Miscellaneous
(a) Music – Music during the playing of golf at the Club is allowed. However, the playing of music should show consideration to others on the course. This includes the volume of the music to not be audible to other players (only you should hear the music), and not containing vulgar, offensive, obscene, profane or hateful lyrics. Club employees reserve the right to require any Member and Guest to refrain from playing of music at any time.

(b) No Pets – At Badlands Golf Company, we love pets, but know this may not be the case for all members.Please keep you pets at home safe away from flying golf balls.
Club management may adopt new rules, delete or amend the Rules & Regulations at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.